Sunday 24 November 2013

23.11.13 Slow but Surely .... More settling in.

What was supposed to be a regular weekly blog has had to change due to the collapse of my last Nokia phone.  It gave up the ghost, could not be charged and therefore I have now got a Nokia Lumia 920 which I have had to learn about.  This has been a slow process but finally I can take up where I left off. Main problem was how to get pics off the phone to the computer.  Now sorted !! 

Maggie finished the Victorian bed and when some adjustments are made it will look great and hopefully be comfortable for whoever sleeps in it for it will be in the spare bedroom. It certainly looks the part.  A photo of it when completed will be on soon.
The sitting room is beginning to look a bit more lived in .......................

Nice  to have the instruments easily gettable at .................

Maggie has spent a great deal of time sanding and oiling these four pieces of scaffolding which will become a set of shelves in a week or two. We found some thick glass tiles in a reclamation yard which we are hoping will do well as supports for them.

Saturday 9 November 2013

Old Stratford ..... 09.11.13 ..... Settling In

Am obviously addicted to diaries ......................

Have decided to keep the blog going but not on as daily a basis since most of the views would be the same !! ( Margaret I do listen !!! ) Am going to put in the quirky things that seem to happen during one's wanderings and which I have always meant to jot down.  Since I have got into the early evening routine of this ............. why not keep it going ?

Both of us have enjoyed the differences between living on a boat and in a house.  At present it still feels as if we are playing at being house-bound.  One of the most striking differences is the lack of early morning ducks or Canada Geese !! or trains ... or traffic ... or joggers ... or the boatscraping against something when someone goes by too fast at 7.00 ....   
We went and picked up the Victorian bed from Wolseley Bridge and Maggie has been busy taking off the rust and painting it.

........................... had to put a tarp over it while the four bits are put into the sitting room

........................... think it will look good ??

The next section will be the shelf building for which we have bought some glass tiles and scaffolding from a reclamation yard.  More of that later !! Next Monday down to Hastings area to buy a chest of drawers....... actually next week is quite interesting !!!!