Monday 3 June 2013

Day 21 .... 03.06.13 .... Hampton Court

Yet another cracking day weatherwise ...... gentle journey fromTeddington Locks to Hampton Court.  The geese are getting themselves sorted into the usual nurseries. Good to see.

There are some lovely boat houses along this area .....

Hampton Court is a near equal with Richmond as to its photographibility !!! Haven't put a photo of  the palace because no-one has modernised it or put a Costa Coffee in it since Henry took it over from Wolsey ............ yet !!!!

Maggie has enjoyed looking at the rowers going past.  Especially the single scullers !!!!! She is getting quite expert at some of the rowing terms, since a lot of them have coaches going after them in motor boats making a noise with megaphones.  Am thinking of getting one to make myself heard at locks etc.  
She is going a bit selctive in her hearing !!

Lastly for today, a photo of a recumbant NestaMay seemingly leaning against the quay at the Hampton Palace mooring.  Was pleased to discover that we were in 10' of  water and are therefore not likely to go aground.

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