Wednesday 19 June 2013

Day 37 .... 19.06.13 .... Devizes

Set off from the peace and quiet of Honey Street and its lovely pub and 1810 beer, as it was filling up for the Summer Solstice.  This event is a big deal around these parts, for not only is it near the Arthurian area of Avalon, the Bronze age area of Avebury,Stonehenge etc and the country's main centre for crop circles , but the ridge above the White Horse in yesterday's photo is the highest point in Wiltshire and therefore has the longest day.......... when the sun shines.  This makes it a superb gathering point for hippy types and takes one back to ones youth. Many boats collecting for a great fest.

Progress was therefore slow although there are no locks until Devizes.

Passed some colourful boats on their way to the festivities. 

The canal narrowed  ...  lovely reeds

This picture is blurred for it is an action picture...... whilst trying to find a mooring place on the way in to Devizes I managed to run the boat hard aground.  Luckily another boat passed and, as you do, took a rope and gave us a good tug out sorting out the problem.
Maggie then went ahead on her bike and told me where there were some good moorings, which is where we are on the outskirts of Devizes.

Amazingly 5 boats behind us is a travelling Hair Salon to which Maggie is going at 10a.m. tomorrow.  Not sure what colour or style she will come back but nous verrons !!
Have booked in to a tour of Wadworths Brewery on Friday ..... this area is Wadworthshire. Down the flight with James and Deborah on Saturday we hope. 


1 comment:

  1. Your trip continues to look idyllic. Hope that you have a good time with your new crew... keep them working !! Do not worry about grounding, everybody does it at some point in their seafaring days !! D.
