Monday 29 July 2013

Day 78..... 29.07.13 .... Warwick

A very gentle journey with no locks for the four miles or so into Warwick. The actual canal area, like Leamington, does not do the town justice but it suffices.

We moored on the right bank in this picture and cycled into the centre of Warwick a couple of miles further on. 

In walking around the centre we had a sandwich in this tea-house which had belonged to a gentleman called Thomas Oken who, we noticed in one of the wall plaques, had died on 29th July 1573, exactly 440 years ago !!!! I don't think the students working there realised what an auspicious day it was since we got charged the same amount as usual.
I wonder what he would think of being mentioned in a blog 440 years on !!

The town turned out to be a mixture of alleys and modern all mixed together.

This picture of the Market square, although taken into the light gives an idea of the mix of old and 50/60s buildings.

All in all an interesting day.  Tomorrow we go up the Hatton Flight which number about 21 locks one after the other. We have arranged to go up with another boat we met en route called Pondlife which should make life easier. 
Good views of Warwick from the top I believe.


Sunday 28 July 2013

Day 77 ..... 28.07.13 ..... Royal Leamington Spa

Had a superb thunderstorm last night and this morning there is still a thundery light.

Came to a staircase lock which took a bit of working out .......totally logic and quite impressive.

Had to put on a pic of this runner with three dogs attached to her.  She was very happy to have her photo taken.

some of the locks we are passing are not very well nurtured and so whilst waiting for the lock to be ready I got the secateurs out and did a bit of pruning !!

Royal Leamington Spa turns out to be a mini Bath, Buxton Regency Spa town and looks great. Only had a stroll round but got the gist of it.

Tomorrow we move on to Warwick and then the Hatton Flight , 21 locks in a row.  Then on into the outskirts of Birmingham  and through its centre.  

Day 76 .... 27.07.13 ...... Little Itchington

Great name of the village..... last night a beautiful sunset ...... sorry about the fact that the captions and pictures on today are erratic .... am not sure how to correct it and I do not want to get to out of date.

.............. and then on to the turn for the Grand Union again which will take us up to Birmingham.  This is the early 19th C version of the M1.

there are some quirky boats about and this chap is steam powered

on the way up we spotted a coal and diesel selling boat. It turned out to be the very one which refills our diesel and coal every month.  This time we only bought some Bloo   loo though!!

I am sorry that this is becoming a bit like a jigsaw.... I do not not know where the captions are going.  Please put the caption you think fits with the picture.

this is the end of a flight of locks into the village of Little Itchington which, after a gentle walk over some fields proved to be an extremely picturesque place.............

this was a house where Elizabeth 1st stayed and is for sale with 2.5 acres.  Have put in a bid but no news yet !!! Looks as if it would suit the handyman !!!

Last pic for today is just a great place

Sorry cannot find it .... if i do I shall put it on tomorrow's blog

Day 75 .... 26.07.13 .... Napton-on-Hill

Had a lovely day yet again travelling to Napton-on-Hill and so all of the pics are taken from the journey.
The light this morning was superb ....................

.............. dappled light and the Brindley bends were as we thought they would be ..... Blind and to be taken slowly.  This is one of the better ones some are almost 345degrees.

The next lock we came to was also on a bend .... glad it wasn't windy

Not sure what the next picture is ..... it is in the diary as having been chosen but since the signal has bee awful for the last two days I have forgotten what it is ...... in my diary it says Water B ???

Aha .... I remember ............... it means Water Buffalo. On the way down the Napton Flight there is a farm which has around 300 Water Buffalo.  Rather lovely creatures.

And so on to the bottom lock of the flight and as you shall see in tomorrow's blog a lovely sunset.

Friday 26 July 2013

Day 74 .... 25.07.13 ..... Fenny Compton

Left Cropredy in DRIZZLE !!!!!! ...... this has not happened for a few weeks or so. Did not last long though.  Passed a new marina under construction just outside Cropredy which looks as if it will be huge .... 250 boats or more..

and some generally eccentric but interesting looking wharves, this one called Clattercote Wharf ..worth the picture for the name

covered working area which would have been where the barges loaded up wheat etc.


Shared the canal with a few young things ....

all in all a peaceful lock ...............

Maggie particularly liked this sign ...

and finally a somewhat surreal Alfred Hitchcock type pic ..........

not sure where it is but it seemed to have a certain feel to it....    always tricky to pick out 5 or 6 from the day.  I think M took it into the light.  Tomorrow a winding path to Napton-on-the Hill. Not far as the crow flies but the contours are curly. ( Apparently a typical 18thC design by James Brindley who liked to follow contours)    

Thursday 25 July 2013

Day 73 ..... 24.07.13 .... Cropredy

We set off from Banbury towards Cropredy, a small village which, apart from a battle in the Civil War, is well known as the spiritual home of the band Fairport Convention. Once a year they hold a family friendly 3 day music festival which attracts about 25,000 people a day.  Alice Cooper is head-lining one of the days.
First the journey ........................

The centre of Banbury is somewhat different to the rest of the Oxford.  Lift bridge, lock
and urban areas.  We were glad to get out into the country again and found this amusing ........ have never seen it over here ........................

Dink and Malc's house......... hope you can see the photo on the left wall of Dink and Malc. Has anyone else seen a personalised photo of the owners on a house wall !!

Usual assortment of personalised boats.

Found a good mooring in Cropredy

The Red Lion is one of two pubs in the village and the only pub I visited with  has a music shop in the back room.  However they did not have a melodeon which is the instrument we are after at present. To join all the others!!!

We are at a beautiful time of the year when the hollyhocks etc. are all in flower. 

A view of the bridge over the canal and on to the countryside. Like the difference between the village and the fields. Hardyesque !!

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Day 72 .... 23.07.13 .... Banbury 2

Maggie went down to Hampton in the morning to see Imogen and Julia.  Spent the day doing odds and ends which would not make interesting bloggie pics.  Started to look at the bath panel which has been falling off for eight years or so.  Am sorting out a plan of action but one mustn't rush !!

Walked up to the Banbury Cross ............

.............  turns out the original one was demolished in 1602 and this one is a 19th C. replica to celebrate the birth of one of Victoria and Albert's many children...  very apt considering the new Royal Babe !!!

They seem to have pedestrianised most of the centre of Banbury ............

Back off into the countryside tomorrow and on up towards Royal Leamington Spa and Warwick.
Bath panel still not done .....wrong screws !!!! 

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Day71 .... 22.07.13 .... Banbury

Yet another great day although thundery showers are threatened.  Again more rural and ancient locks until Banbury and so this post may be similar to yesterdays.

This little chap or lady, since it is called Nell's Bridge, is one of the oldest on the canal i.e. about 1760.  Most of it has only survived because ............

........ they chopped the top and built the road on across it !!

As can be seen it is a tight fit, but I read in one of the books that they agreed the length and width of the locks in 1755 for the working boats and so one can always assume that if you are just missing on one side you are going to fit !!!

A typical lift bridge of which there were 12 today.  Most of them were up ............ funnily enough today we have met more boats travelling than on any day yet. That'll change the weather !!!

This Pig Farm and Shop looked quite interesting but unfortunately if we stopped at all the places that looked interesting we would probably have not got off the Thames yet!

On first walk-around Banbury looks pleasant enough.  Shall take a photo of Banbury Cross. The Cock horse which is meant to have been ridden to Banbury Cross, is reputed to have come from The Cock in Stony Stratford. I digress ............
this evening it has thundered and as I type this  it has begun to rain ..... they were correct about thundery showers. Need to switch on a radio or the tele and see if the Royal Babe has made its entrance !!

Sunday 21 July 2013

Day 70 .... 21.07.13 ..... Aynho

The main theme of today is the rural nature of the canal between Oxford and Banbury.

...... beyond Oxford there are only small villages either on or half a mile away from the canal.

Some of the locks are very deep........... and awkward ......

this little chap meant that you had to get dead centre before you you could get in without bashing the side ...

The deepest one was this one I cannot remember how deep .........

but extremely picturesquewith all the plants growing around it ............

.......................  amazing to think that these locks were all built for 70' boats, our size, full of grain or whatever to be hoisted around by a horse and family in the 19th Century.  I would not have fancied it.

We have moored at the most beautiful location for the night. 

cycled to this lovely-looking but crowded pub about a mile away for a pint of Old Hooky and a Cappuccino and, no, Maggie did not fall in on the way back !!