Tuesday 23 July 2013

Day71 .... 22.07.13 .... Banbury

Yet another great day although thundery showers are threatened.  Again more rural and ancient locks until Banbury and so this post may be similar to yesterdays.

This little chap or lady, since it is called Nell's Bridge, is one of the oldest on the canal i.e. about 1760.  Most of it has only survived because ............

........ they chopped the top and built the road on across it !!

As can be seen it is a tight fit, but I read in one of the books that they agreed the length and width of the locks in 1755 for the working boats and so one can always assume that if you are just missing on one side you are going to fit !!!

A typical lift bridge of which there were 12 today.  Most of them were up ............ funnily enough today we have met more boats travelling than on any day yet. That'll change the weather !!!

This Pig Farm and Shop looked quite interesting but unfortunately if we stopped at all the places that looked interesting we would probably have not got off the Thames yet!

On first walk-around Banbury looks pleasant enough.  Shall take a photo of Banbury Cross. The Cock horse which is meant to have been ridden to Banbury Cross, is reputed to have come from The Cock in Stony Stratford. I digress ............
this evening it has thundered and as I type this  it has begun to rain ..... they were correct about thundery showers. Need to switch on a radio or the tele and see if the Royal Babe has made its entrance !!

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