Monday 29 July 2013

Day 78..... 29.07.13 .... Warwick

A very gentle journey with no locks for the four miles or so into Warwick. The actual canal area, like Leamington, does not do the town justice but it suffices.

We moored on the right bank in this picture and cycled into the centre of Warwick a couple of miles further on. 

In walking around the centre we had a sandwich in this tea-house which had belonged to a gentleman called Thomas Oken who, we noticed in one of the wall plaques, had died on 29th July 1573, exactly 440 years ago !!!! I don't think the students working there realised what an auspicious day it was since we got charged the same amount as usual.
I wonder what he would think of being mentioned in a blog 440 years on !!

The town turned out to be a mixture of alleys and modern all mixed together.

This picture of the Market square, although taken into the light gives an idea of the mix of old and 50/60s buildings.

All in all an interesting day.  Tomorrow we go up the Hatton Flight which number about 21 locks one after the other. We have arranged to go up with another boat we met en route called Pondlife which should make life easier. 
Good views of Warwick from the top I believe.


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