Friday 6 September 2013

Day 116 .... .... Rugely

 .............. Today, as forecast, it rained heavily.  Having said that theview of Fradley Junction was still looking good.  This is where the Coventry Canal joins up with the Trent and Mersey.

...............  asomewhat dank view. Nestamay waiting on the left for the lock.

..................... we were helped up the five locks by volunteers. This one made us laugh by saying in a Midland accent that made it rhyme, " Are you me bruther by anuther muther" since we both had grey beards and were wearing the same oils.  Looks like an advert from somewhere that I cannot remember.

............................. on entering Rugeley this huge factory made us wonder what it produced. On looking at the map with the name of the village Armitage and then espying thousands of wrapped loos in the car parks we came up with Armitage Shanks, providers of loos the world over!!!
The learning curve is endless.

............. we are approaching the Potteries District. This cutting through the rock was impressive as was ....

.................... Spode Hall which was built by the Spode family in the 18/19th C and is now, needless to say, a hotel etc. Spending the night in Rugely where we had a re-provisioning stop at Morrisons.  It was tiddling with rain still and so we decided to stay put for the night.  The weather this summer has been very good and we cannot complain.  

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