Saturday 28 September 2013

Days 136,7& 8 .... 26,7 &8.09.13 ....Stone, Sandon

Have put the last three days into one post since all that has happened over the last two days in Stone is sanding and painting etc. Maggie got back from a good visit to London last night chez Marc, Julia and Imogen  and we set out this morning in a very Septemberish morning ............. misty and moisty  but clearing to be a lovely day     

Down through the four locks that take us out of Stone ................................

............. and on to a new marina where we stopped and had a drink, admiring the facilities. Having had a drink we started to look for the red diesel pump which was, peculiarly we felt way away from the central area and unmarked.  One had to ring the office to get someone to come and serve it !! All this modern marina and no self service pump.  However 30 minutes later we were back on our way with a full tank ...............................

............................... and on to a windy and quiet stretch past Cannock Chase and on to Sandon Lock for the night.

Tomorrow we are going to have to have a major re-provisionning at Morrisons in Rugely.  Over the next week we are hoping to get to Braunston from where I shall pick up the car again and we shall start moving things into the house in Old Stratford.  

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