Wednesday 28 August 2013

Day 108 .... 28.08.13 ..... Sawley

Went back down to Sawley and got the trolley out to go for a shop.  Had to go further than we thought since the shop we were aiming at had ajammed roller and could not open.!! Bizarrely we saw a policeman watching someone trying to jemmy the roller blind off the main door.  Credit to the manufacturer it was proving difficult !!! 

Later on got the bikes out and went down the Trent that we had passed up on a very good path.

................. this is the start of the Erewash Canal which only goes a few miles up but is very picturesque at its juction with the Trent and Soar .......................

........ this is the view backwards from the photo above. I am getting quite attracted to this power station.

On cycvling a mileor so up the erewash

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