Friday 16 August 2013

Day 96 .... 16.08.13 .... Thurmaston

Last night we knew that there had been a lot of rain but we were surprised when we passed this sign by the Space Centre this morning ........ went down the lock and found a flooded tow path   ..................

................................. with the water level way above the Do Not Proceed sign. The level was up about two feet  The problem being that when the River goes through meadows you can find yourself in the middle of one with the water going down.

This was well into the Red and so we paused for our engine had been coughing a bit.  After an hour or so the water was starting to go down.  It is apparently famous for going up or down by a foot or so in a couple of hours !!!

The chap behind us said that he would follow us through the area in case the engine stopped and he would be able to give us a tow ...................... (good pic of the Space Centre in Leicester)

........... and so he was a pleasing sight behind when we got to the marina where he was moored at the end of the open stretch .................. many thanks "Pots and Pans"

................... the boat-yard we were aiming at was half a mile further down.  The mechanic is on holiday and so we find ourselves comfortably moored about a mile or so before the next yard !!!

..................... bizarre day with heavy rain a.m. and beautiful sunshine this evening. Such is life.  Tomorrow continue the search for a boat mechanic or I shall have to get on the Internet and train myself up !!!!

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