Friday 9 August 2013

Day 88 .... 08.08.13 .... Foxton

Before leaving Crick filled up with diesel and walking back from the office the boat looked long.  We don't see it from this angle very often !!

 ................... amazing passing under the M5 I think it is.  The sound of the motorway is often a hum on the canal but under this bridge it was quite un-nerving.  Like a parallel universe !!!
 ...................... the countryside here is very rolling.These cows seemed to sum up the weather and the area !!
 .......... This part of the canal meanders for 20 miles and does not really touch any villages at all.
 ........ needless to say we could not resist taking a pic of this mobile rabbit hutch !!!
 This is the Foxton flight of locks which we are waiting to go down as I write this on 09.08.13 at 11 in the morning.  They are single and we have an hour to wait. We are lined up behind a Canadian family from Vancouver.
In 1900 the boats went up and down via this slope in tanks which were on rails !!! This method only lasted until 1911... too expensive apparently.  Prefer the lock method. 

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