Tuesday 20 August 2013

Day 100 .... 20.08.13 .... Sawley

Setting off towards the Trent junction, one could not help but feel sorry for the church spire at Ratcliffe-0n-Soar being somewhat dwarfed by the power station and the the wires. Still the countryside is trying hard!!

 After about an hour of meandering cruising, reached the junction of the River Trent, Grand Union and Erewash Canal.  Quite impressive and still very expansive but flat.

......................... a backward look at the Grand Union/River Soar .............

The river diverges here with a lock one way and the wiers another. We pulled in to empty etc. and fill up with water, then went through the manned lock.  We are carrying on on the river proper for another two miles or so.  There are far more cruisers around here than there have been anywhere else apart from the Thames of course.............

.......................... have booked in a mechanic to have a look at the diesel filter and the stern tube tomorrow a.m.   On wandering in to the village of Sawley to find a paper we stopped at this pub which had a very good deal on, so for the first time, had a Golden Years deal !!! Not sure if the word "mature" applies to either of us but there we go.  I should also point out that I have not started drinking capuchinos !!! You never know though.

Tomorrow a boaty doing day ............. more of which then.

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