Thursday 15 August 2013

Day 95 .... 15.08.13 .... Castle Gardens Leicester 2

Last night a boat named Still Waters moored alongside us commanded by this 6 month old young lady called Lily.
 We had decided that we were going to look into ancient Leicester for the day and happily we were not disappointed although the mixture of ancient and modern buildings is seemingly haphazard.  Just by the Castle Gardens, where we are moored there is a Roman Wall and remains of a baths behind which is an 11th C.Church.

There has been much publicity recently about the "King buried under a Car Park". University Archaeologists had dicovered the mortal remains of Richard 111 whose body  had been brought here after the Battle of Bosworth nearby.  After Laser photography they discovered his body in an area that was a Greyfriars Priory at the time and is now being excavated.  There is an exhibition of how they found it in the old Guild Hall by the Cathedral, which is in the pic below......................
 At the risk of being boring, it was fascinating how they dicovered his DNA from the bones and have traced living relatives.   

 The computerised displays were the most modern I have seen and amazingly clearly explained. A very small exhibition but well worth it.  We thought it would take a few minutes to look at but it took over an hour.

The next surprise was the daily market which I suppose, given the cultural diversity of Leicester, should not have been a surprise.  Very colourful ............................


................... with all types of goods and foods

Tomorrow onwards and northwards towards seeing William, Ceri and family.

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