Friday 2 August 2013

Day 80 .... 31.07.13 ....Hockley Heath

We finally got to the Stratford -on-Avon Canal which is single locked again.  Very narrow and some quite awkward angles but very picturesque even in cloudy weather.  We have been incredibly lucky with the weather this year and so we do not dare moan about the odd rainy day !!

Where we were last night Maggie heard some music and lo and behold another set of Morris Men.  We went and looked at them and although not numerous they were very entertaining.   

This gives an idea of the width of the locks. There is usually a couple of feet or so lengthwise!!

One of the interesting features of the Stratford Canal are the barrel- roofed lock cottages. Quite why they are peculiar to this area we have yet to find out. 

Another interesting feature of the Stratford Canal are the split bridges by the locks to allow the horses to tow the boats through the lock without being unhitched.  Poor things....those who saw the last horse we pictured will remember that the lock was its tea-break !!!

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