Friday 9 August 2013

Day 86 .... 06.08.13 .... Crick

Had a great meal with Ed and Jackie at the Boathouse in Braunston, having got soaked on the way in.  After the meal there was a quiz which we had not known about and we came second !!

 Left Braunston in the morning ...... it always looks good 

 ....................but as always at the bottom lock of the flight it was busy.

..................after going through the Brausnston tunnel we get to the the Junction where the canal goes up towards Leicester and thence Derby
 .................. these lovely staircase locks are a well kept secret just by the Watford gap Service station on the M1
.................... we got to Crick after yet another tunnel.  Have put this on because you can see the end !! 
I am playing catch-up with the blog since we have a good signal at the top of the hill where we are and we have a 45 minute wait to go down the Foxton Flight of locks.

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